Learn to Have Conversation in Taiwanese
with MLT/TMSS and Phonetogram  (1)
to  Phonetogram
Conversation  Practice
 (1) On Telephone  (2) On Visit  (3) In Restaurant  (4) Asking Road  (5) In Supermarket
 (6) On Travel  (7) Asking for Job  (8) In Post Office  (9) In the Bank  (10) Other Occasions

(1)  On Telephone
TMSS (English) word Phonetogram
oee(Hello), ...ciaf(here), ...si(is), ...siensvy(Mr.), ...yn-taw(his home) !Oe^e,...cia,...si,...sien.svi,...iin.tau
~ yn-taw(~'s home), ...si+boo(is'nt it),  ...mxsi(no, it isn't) ...lie(you) ~.iin.tau,...si.bo,...!m.si,...li+
boeq(want to),  ...khax(call), ...kuyho(what number), ...tuieputzu(I'm sorry), boeq(beq),...ka, ...kui.ho, ...tui+puttsu
goar(I), ...sviu(think),...khax-mxtioh(called wrong), ...hoxbea(number) goa+,...sviu,...ka+!mtioh,...hobe+
biern(needless),  khehkhix(polite), ...Kongsy(Company), ...Si+aq(yes,sir) bien+,...kehki,...kong.si,...si.aaq
kiarm(is it ?),   oextaxng(possible to),   chviar(please, ask),   siensvy(Mr.) kiam+, !oetang,...cvia+,  siensvi
thviaf(listen, hear),  tiexn'oe(telephone), ...citmar(at present), ...bo'eeng(busy) tvia,...tien!oe,...citma+,...bo.¤^eng
boeq(want),  kiox(ask, order),  y(he, him),  ka(for), koxng(talk on telephone) boeq,    kio, !i,...ka,...kong
tngfkhix(do back),    koxng+tngfkhix?(call telephone back),   Hor+aq   Tosia tngki,    kongtngki,......ho+!aq,...tosia
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram (red is a changed tone)
Oee,  ciaf  si  Wilson Siensvy  yn-taw,  si+boo?
Hello, is this Mr. Wilson's home?. . . . .
Mxsi!  Ciaf  mxsi.  Ciaf  si  234-5678(jixsamsux-
gvofliogchitpad) .  Lie  boeq  khax  kuyho?  .
No, this is not.  This is 234-5678. What number are you calling?
Tuieputzu!  Goar sviu, goar  khax-mxtioh  hoxbea. .
I'm sorry.  I'm afraid I have a wrong number.
Biern  khehkhix! 
Not at all.
Ciaf  si  Thofng'id  Kongsy,  si+boo? 
Is this Thong'i Co.?
cia...si ...tong.iit ...kongsi.../...si.bo
Kiarm  oextaxng  chviar  Liim+Siensvy  thviaf  tiexn'oe? 
May I speak to Mr. Liim, please? 
kiam !oetang...cvia  li^im...siensvi...tvia...tien!oe
Tuieputzu!   Citmar  Liim+Siensvy  bo'eeng.   Kiarm  boeq  kiox  y  ka  lie  koxng+tngfkhix?
Sorry.  Mr. Liim  is engaged.   Shall  I  ask  him  to  call
you  back? 
tui+puttsu...//...citma+ ...li^im..siensvi  bo.!e^eng   //
kiam  boeq  kio+  i  ka...li+...kongtngki
Hor+aq!     Tosia!
All right.   Thank you.
ho+!aq. /..tosia

Primary Vocabulary
(In square brackets are
  not in this text)
pronoun: I=goar, [we(excluding you)=goarn], [we(including you)=larn],
     you=lie, [you(pl)=lirn], he=y, [she=yi], [they=yn] ;
     here=ciaf, [there=hiaf];  [this=zef], [that=hef]
verb:   is=si, is not=mxsi, isn't it?=si+boo? hear=thviaf, [speak=korng],
     call (telephone)=khax, talk (on telephone)=koxng, ask (to do)=kiox,
     think=sviu,  politely ask=chviar, busy=bo'eeng, thank you=tosia

Learn to Speak Taiwanese (1) On Telephone