TMSS (Taiwanese Modern Spelling System) Edition
Primary Subject by Liim Keahioong
Taiguo  kab Taiguo-buun
Taiwanese Language

zoarn-khix --> Mixed-Taiwanese [ MLT ] Prospects-0 EDUTECH-T

[Soarn]    1. Texnggi,       2. Kokguo,     3. Itpvoaf-laang sor-korng ee "Taioaan-oe",   .   .  4. Taiguo ee tegseg

1. Texnggi  .   Definition

¡11. Ti Taioaan ee laang sor-korng ee oe, engkay lorng si Taioaan-oe.    Zef si "Taioaan-oe" ee kofnggi ee kaysoad.    Ti cit'ee kaysoad-ha, Taioaan-oe ciu thafng hwn-zøx Holør-oe, Khehkaf-oe, kokciorng Goanzuxbiin-oe kab kokciorng Taixliok-laang ee oe.

  *   Any language spoken by Taiwanese people should be called Taiwanese language.   In this sense, the Taiwanese language includes Hoqlor-oe [Holor-hoar], Kheh'oe [Khorciaf-hoar], many kinds of Goanzuxbiin-oe [Yuanzuomiin-hoar], and various languages from China.

2. Kokguo . . . Common Language

   2.   Uixtioh boeq ho Taioaan koklui gwgieen ee zogkuun thafng hoxsiong kothofng, larn tioh cyteng cidee kioxngtoong ee gwgieen.    Cit'ee gwgieen ciuxsi "Kokguo".   1946-nii-khie, Taioaan ee zernghuo, ciu cyteng Tiongkog it'hioxng ee "Kvoa'oe" zox kokguo, ar laai ho sofu ee hagtoong laai hagsip koq sw'iong.

  *   In order to let people of different languages can communicate, we have to find a language common to all the people. This is the official or common language of Taiwan.   Since 1946, the government assigned the Chinese Mandarin as the comon language, and let all of students in the elementary school to learn and use it.

3. Itpvoaf-laang sor-korng ee "Taioaan-oe"    Popular meaning of the "Taiwanese Language"

    3. ¡@Taioaan ee kokciorng gwgieen-tiofng, Holør-oe si ti Taioaan hoattiern-khylaai ee gwgieen;  øextaxng taixpiao Taioaan kofiuo ee bunhoax kab legsuo ee iengoaan.    Sofie, itpvoaf-laang kiørkorng  "Taioaan-oe" ee, goanlaai ciuxsi Holor-oe.

  *   Among those languages spoken in Taiwan, Hoqlor-oe [Holor-hoar] is that developed on this island, and can represent the cultural history of Taiwan. This is why people means Hoqlor-oe they say "Taiwanese".   Hereupon, we will use "Taiguo [Thaai'yu]" to mean Hoqlor-oe.

4.  Taiguo ee tegseg¡@ Special feature of Taiguo

     4a.   Siepaq-nii-laai, Taixliok Hokkiexn toexkhw ee ibiin, toartioh bokaang ee khaw'ym laai Taioaan texngkw.    Ti ciernzeeng, Taioaan koktoe ee laang, hoxsiong khaq-boo sisioong teq kau'orng, sofie koktoe ee khaw'ym ciu pofliuu cidkoar zhavi.

  *    In the past 400 years, immigrants from Fuchien (Hokkiexn [Fuciern]) braught to Taiwan different oral tones.¡@ Those Fuchien dialects have kept thier owns, because of the situation of rather scarce intermixing of people before the World War II.
     4b.   Goanlaai Hokkiexn ee khawguo si pak'hofng Haxn-binzok ee Harnguo kab sorzhefng-nii-laai khia ti hit'sofzai ee Pek'oat-zok ee gwgieen sor-huxnhap laai korseeng ee.    Harnguo si iuu Harnji sor-korseeng ee;  Pek'oat-guo khiog nar hiexnzwsii ee Taioaan Goanzuxbiin ee gwgieen, si zerngkox gwsuu piawsi cidee iesux ee gwgieen, boextaxng eng Harnji laai zohap-khylaai kaysoad ee.

  *   In the first place, the spoken languages in Fuchien are the admixtures of the Han language braught by Northern Han tribes and the local languages of Pek'oat [pai'yueh] tribes who lived there for thousand years. ¡@ Han Language is constructed from Han Characters; Pek'oad languages are, however, composed by multi-syllable words like nowadays' Goanzuxbiin-oe, which is not the construct of Han Characters.
     4c.   Zu afnny, Taiguo ciu cviazox 80% ee Taiguo-ym ee Harnguo kab 20% ee boextaxng eng Harnji laai siafzhud ee Pek'oat-guo sor-huxnhap laai korseeng ee  gwgieen.

  *   The Taiguo is, thus, composed of 80% Han Language with Taiwanese pronounciation and 20% of Pak'oat Language which is not effectively written out with Han Characters.
     4d  Bøeq siafzhud Taiguo ee zoex-lysiorng ee honghoad ciuxsi "ui Harnguo siar Harnji" ar "ui mxsi Harnguo ee, siar Imji".   Cit'ee zexngheeng, huisioong kinsu hiexntai ee Jidguo-buun.

  *   The best way to write down the spoken Taiguo is to write Han characters for those Han words, and write some phonetic words for those which are not Han words. This situation is quite similar to the modern Japanese

     4e   Afnny siar+zhutlaai ee Taiguo-buun ciu kiorzox  "Taiguo Hiexntai-buun".

  *   The written Taiguo in this way is called the "Modern Literal Taiwanese".

Taiguo kab Taiguo-buun.¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@ 1997 / 8 / 1  cviuxbang