Basic  Taiwanese  Expressions to  Remember
. . . . . . with MLT/TMSS and Phonetogram [ 1~14 ]
to Phonetogram  for  Taiwanese  Voice to [15~25] to  [26~30]

               Note:   "~ " requires tone-change, "{ }" enclose weak sounds,
                                              " / "  means  a pause,   " // "  means  another sentence.
1. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Tangsii? (When?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Tangsii ?!      Ti tangsii?!
When?      At what time? . . . . .^i. . //^i
Citmar,  kuytiarm?!
What time is it now?
citma+  /  kuitiam+
Lie  ti  tangsii  boeq  lixkhuy?
When  are  you  leaving?
li+^i   boeq   li.kui

2. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Joax'~ ? = Loax'~ ? (How ~ ?)
MLT-TMSS / English
Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Joax'kuo?! (=  Loax'kuo?!)
How  long?. . . . .
joaku+   ( loaku+  )
Lie  joax'kuo(= loax'kuo )  boeq  lixkhuy  ciaf?
How long (When)  will  you  leave  here?
li+  /   joaku+ (= loaku+  )    /  boeq    li.kui    cia
Lie  ti  ciaf  boeq  toax  joax'kuo?(= loax'kuo? )
How  long  do  you  stay  here? 
li+ /   ticia   /  boeq   toa+   joaku+ ( = loaku+  )
Cittiaau  soh'ar  u  joax'tngg?(=  loax'kuo ? )
How  long  is  this  string?
cittiau  soh!a+   /  !u   joatng^g (=  loatng^g  )
Kaux  Taipag.  u  joax'hng?(=  loax'hng ? )
How  far  is  it  to  Taipag?
kau+   tai.pag  /  !u   joahng(= loatng^g  )
Hitzo  svoaf   u  joax'koaan?(=  loax'koaan? )
How  high  is  that mountain?
hitzo  svoa  /  !u   joakoa^n(= loakoa^n  )
Lie  u   joax'zoe(=  loax'zoe )  gyn'ar?
How  many  children  do  you  have?
li+   /  !u    joazoe(= loazoe  )   gin!a+
Cit'ee  aix  joax'zoe(=  loax'zoe )  cvii?
How  much  does  this  cost?
cit!e^e  /  !ai+  joazoe(= loazoe  )  cvi^i
Cit'ee  konghngg  u  joax'toa? (=  loax'toa?)
How  large  is  this  park?
citee   konghng^g  / !u  joatoa(= loatoa  )
Lie  ee  chiaf oe   zao  joax'kirn? (=  loax'kirn?)
How  fast  can  your  car  run?
Li+  !cia  /  !oe  zau  joakin+(= loakin+  )
Lie,  kuy'hoex?
How  old  are  you?
li+  /  kuihoe
Hitkefng  kaohoe  u  kuynii  laq? 
How  old  is  that  church?
hitkeng   kau+hoe  /  !u   kuini^i  laq

3. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Symmih? (What?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Hef  si  symmih? .
What  is  that?. .
he  /  si   simmih
Ciah'ee  si symmih?
What  are  these?
ciah !e^e  /  si   simmih
Hiah'ee  si symmih?
What  are  those?
hiah !e^e  /  si   simmih

4. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Ui-symmih? (Why?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Lie ui-symmih  ti  ciaf?
Why  are  you  here? . . . . .
li+  /  !ui simmih  /  ti  cia
Ciaf  ui-symmih  ciahniq'joah?
Why  is  it  so  hot  here?
cia!ui simmih   /  ciahniqjoah
Yn  ui-symmih  teq  me  thaukef?
Why  are  they   blaming  the  boss?
!in   / !uisimmih   /  teq  mtauke

5. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Tof'cidee? (Which?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Tof'cidee  si   lie  ee?
Which  one  is  yours?. . . . .
tocid!e^e  /  si  li+  !e^e
Lie  aix   tof'cidee  laang?
Which  person  do  you   like?
li+ / !ai   tocid !e   la^ang
Y  si  tof'cidpeeng  ee  laang?
Which  side  does  he  belong  to?
ii si-tocidpe^ng !e   la^ng
Lie  khvoax,  tof'cidee  ee  bin  khaq-toa?
You  say,  which  one's  face (= whose face) is  larger?
li+  kvoa  /   to cid !e^e !e   bin / kahtoa

6. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Goarn  lorng  si ~ (All  of  us  are ~)
MLT-TMSS / .English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, red is a changed tone)
Goarn  lorng  si  Taioaan-laang.
All  of  us  are  Taiwanese. . .
goan+  / tai !oanla^ng
Lirn  kiarm  lorng  laai  laq?
Are  you  all  here?
lin+   /  kiam-long-la^i   laq
Lirn-taixkef  lorng  si  goar  ee  hagsefng. You  all  are  my  students. lin.   /   long-si-goa+ !e-hagseng

7. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Chviar ho goar (Give me, please)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, red is a changed tone)
Chviar  ho  goar  cidtviw  zoar.
Give  me  a  piece  of  paper. .
cvia   ho   goa+   cidtviu   zoa+
Chviar  theh  ienpid ho  goar.
Give  me  a  pencil,  please.
cvia teh!ienpid   ho   goa+

8. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Chviar, ho goar ~ (Let me ~, please)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Chviar,  ho  goar  khix  Tailaam. 
Please,  let  me  go  Tainan. .
cvia+  /  ho   goa+ ki+^m
Chviar,  ho  goar  zaiviar  lie  ee  siausid.
Please,  let  me  know  your  information.
cvia+  /  ho  goa+   zaivia  li+  !e   siausid
Chviar,  ho  goar  laikhix.
Please,  let  me  leave. 
cvia+  /  ho   goa+

9. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Sviafkhoarn? (How about?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Lym+cidpoef, sviafkhoarn?!
How  about  a  krink? . . . . .
lim   cidpoe   /  sviakoan+
Zorhoea  laikhix, sviafkhoarn?!
How  about   going   together?
zo+hoe   laiki   /  sviakoan+
Lie korng,  sviafkhoarn?!
You  say,  how  about  it?
li+   kong+ /  sviakoan+

10. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Thviazay+boo? (Do you understand?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Goar  korng,  lie  thviazay+boo?
Can you  understand  what  I  say?
goa+   kong+  /  li+  tviazaibo
Lie  thviazay  lauxsw  teq  korng  symmih?
Do  you  understand   what  teacher  says?
li+tviazai   /  lausu  teq  kong  simmih
Engguo,   lie thviazay+boo?
Do  you  understand  English? 
eenggu+  /  li+ tviazaibo

11. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Ka goar korng (Tell me)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Ka  goar  korng,  lie  boeh'aix  symmih?
Tell  me,  what  do  you  want?  . . . . .
ka   goa   kong+ / li+  boeh!ai    simmih
Chviar  lie,  baxnban ka  y  korng.
Please  speak  slowly  to  him.
cvia   li+  /  banban   ka!i  kong+
Ka  goar  korng  ee  laang  mxsi  yi.
She  is  not  the  person  who  told  me.
ka   goa   kong+ !e  la^ng  /  !msi!i

12. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Kiarm afnny? (Is it so?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Kiarm  afnny?    (= Karm  afnny)
Is  it  so?  . . . . .
kiam !anni  //  kam !anni
Goar  sviu  (hef)  si  afnny.
I  think  (it  is)  so.
goa+  sviu  /  he  si !anni
Afnny kiarm  hor?    (= Afnny  karm  hor?)
Do  you  think,  is  it   all  right?
!anni   kiam  ho+  //  !anni   kam  ho+

13. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Tuy tofui, ar  tuix tofui? (From where, and to where?)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Lie tuy  tofui  laai,  ar  boeq tuix  tofui  khix? 
From where did you come  and  to where do  you  go?. . . .
li+  tui   to !ui   la^i!a   boeq   tui+  to !ui ki
Tuy  svoaterng  ee  hofng  si  lerng+ee.
The  wind  from  mountain-top  is  a cold  one.
tui   svoateng+ !e   hong   si  leng+!e
Tuix  laang,   larn   tioh  chinchied.
Toward  others, .we  must  be  kind 
tui+  la^ng  /  lan+   tioh cincied

14. Basic  Taiwanese  Expression -- Gauzar! (Good morning!)
MLT-TMSS / English Phonetogram in speech(with tone-change, a changed tone)
Siensvy,  gauzar!. 
Good  morning,  sir.    . . . . .
siensvi   /   gauza+
Lie  ciaqpar+boe?
Good  afternoon.
li+   ciaqpa+boe
Boafn'afn!    Lirn-taixkef,  hor!
Good  evening!    How  are  you? 
boanaan  /   lin   taike    ho+

  . . NNext Expressions:  15. Chviafmng! (Beg your pardon),   16. Tuieputzu! (I'm sorry!),   17. Khaq-kirn leq! (Hurry up!),  18. Cidtiafm'ar (Just a little)),   . . 19. Zaehoe! (Good-bye!)),   . . 20. Symmih'taixcix hoazefng? (What's happened?),   . . 21. Ti [sikafn] ti [sofzai] (At [time] at [place]),   . . 22. [Sikafn] ([Time]),   . . 23. Lefpaejit, ... (Sunday, ...),  24.  Nii, goeh (Year, month),  25. Jit, sii, hwn (Day, time, minute)

Basic  Taiwanese  Expressions to  Remember                                          to [15~25]