Learn French & Taiwanese
                               by Dr. Keahioong Liim, Madame Lisa Liim, and M. Moise Boulingrin(*)
to Lesson 2,  Lesson 3,   Lesson 4,   Lesson 5,  Lesson 6,
to French text 1~6,    Taiwanese text 1~6
        to  Taiwanese Pronunciation         to EDUTECH-T

 to  EDUTECH   French-Taiwanese  Dictionary
A B C D E F G H, I, J, K L M, N O,P,Q R S T U,V,W,Y,Z
..                                   ..                                           ..
Abbreviation and  symbols  
   (F) .....red.....  [..........]   French sentence or word followed by pronunciation in (extended) TMSS format. Special pronunciation for French (Paris accent):   [-H-] = throat sound of "h";     [U] = "iu" that is U-umlaut ü| in German;    [o] = short unclear u-to-a sound;   [ye] = "i'e" ;     [an],[en],[on],[on] =  nasal vowels of [a],[e],[o],[o];   [ua] = u'a, with stronger [u];    [ u ]  = [u] near to [o], French spelling is "eu" or "oeu".
    The heavy accent always falls on the second syllable from the last in a word.
   [T] .....blue.....{..........}Taiwanese sentence or word followed by English translation.            (m.) = masculine,  (f.) = feminine,   (pl.) = plural

Wait till special French characters with symbols substitute the temporary character "?".

Leçon 1        Il y a ~
                 Toe-Id  Khox     Hiaf  u  ~

  (F)Il y a une table et quatre chaises. 
                                        [ ily'ia Un tarblo e khiatHo syejo ]
 [T] Hiaf u (cidliaau) toh'ar kab sieliaau y'ar.
                                         {There are a table and four chairs.}

(1)  (F)  lecon = leç on [loson]  =  [T]  khortheeng {lesson}
               [note] "c" to be pronounced as "s" is written with a small "s" below the letter "c".
                       This French character does not exist in the set of English letters for computer.

(2)  (F)  il y a ~  [ily'ia ~]   =  [T]   hiaf u ~ {there is ~}
       (F)  il  [il]  =  [T] hef, y{it, he},       (F)  y  [y]  =  [T] hiaf {there},
       (F)  a  [a]  =  [T] u, theh {(he,it) has}
(3)  (F)une [Uno]   =  [T] cidee {one, 1},   (F)  quatre [khiatHo] =  [T] sie'ee {four, 4}
(4)(F)table [tarblo]   =  [T] toh'ar {table},
        (F)  chaise, chaises [syejo]  =  [T] y'ar {chair, chairs}
(5)  (F) et  [e]  = [T] kab {and}.

(1)  personal pronoun & verb (F) ê|tre [T] si {to be}

        (F)  je suis  [jo sUi] (F)  tu es [thU e]        (F)  il est [ile], elle est [ele]
    = [T]  goar si {I am}    [T] lie si {you are}    [T]  y si {he is},  yi si {she is}
        (F)  nous sommes [nu somo]   (F)  vous ê tes [vu je'to]    (F)  ils sont [il son]
    = [T] goarn si, larn si {we are}  [T] lirn si {you are} [T] yn si {they are}
(2) personal pronoun & verb (F)avoir  [T]  u {to have}
        (F)  j'ai [je]                  (F)  tu as [thU a]         (F)  il a [il a], elle a [el a]
    = [T] goar u {I have}    [T] lie u {you have}     [T]  y u {he has}, yi u {she his}
        (F)  nous avons[nu javon]       (F)  vous avez [vu jave]     (F)  ils ont [il jon]
    =[T] goarn u, larn u {we have}   [T] lirn u {you have}     [T] yn u {they have}

  (F) Il y a trois livres sur la table.
                                         [ ily'ia tHUa lievHo sUHo  la tarblo ]
  [T] Hiaf u svapurn zheq ti toh'ar-terng.
                                          {There are three books on the tabel.}

(1)   (F) trois [tHua]   =[T] sva'ee, svapurn {three}
(2)   (F) livre, livres [livHo]   =   [T] zheq {book, books}
(3)    (F)  sur ~ [sU'r]   =   [T] tefngbin, ~-terng {on ~}
(4)   (F) la table [la tarblo]   =    [T] toh'ar {the table}

(1)masculine & feminine articles [T] ~{the}
        (F)    le (m.)     la (f.)        les (plu.);
        (F)     un (m.)      une (f.)       des (plu.)

  (F)  Il y a des arbres dans le jardin.
                                         [ ily'ia de jaHbHo don lo jaHdan ]
    [T]  Hiaf u cidkoar chiu ti hngg+nih.
                                         {There are some trees in the garden.}
(1)  (F) l'arbre [laHbHo], des arbres [de jaHbHo]  =  [T]  chiu, cidkoar chiu {the tree, some trees}
   (F) le jardin [lo jaHdan] =  [T] hngg, tviaa {the garden}
(2)   (F) dans ~ [don]  =  [T] laixbin, ~lai, ~+nih {in ~}
 (F) 1 = un (m.)une (f.),   2 = deux [du]
   3 = trois [tHua], 4 = quatre [khiatHo], 5 = cinq [sankho],
  6 = six [sUiso], 7 = sept [sett],   8 = huit [Uitt],
   9 = neuf [nufo], 10 = dix [diso]   11 = onze[onjo],
  12 = douze[dujo], 13 = treize[tHeijo], 14 = quatorze
 [khiatoHjo], 15 = quinze [khanjo] ,   16 = seize [seijo],  
 17 = dix-sept [dis'sett], 18 = dix-huit [dijUitt],
 19 = dix-neuf [dis'nu'fo], 20 = vingt [van]

[T]1 = cit, cidee {one}, 2 = nng, nngxee {two},
   3 = svaf, sva'ee {three}. 4 = six, sie'ee {four},
   5 = go, goxee {five} 6 = lak, lag'ee {six},
   7 = chid, chit'ee {seven}, 8 = poeq, poeh'ee {eight},
   9 = kao, kaw'ee {nine}, 10 = zap, zab'ee {ten},
 11 = zab'id, zab'it'ee {eleven}, 12 = zabji, zabjixee
{twelve}, 13 = zabsvaf, zabsva'ee{thirteen},
 14 = zabsix, zabsie'ee {fourteen}, 15 = zabgo,
zabgoxee{fifteen}, 16 = zablak, zablag'ee{sixteen},
  17 = zabchid, zabchit'ee {seventeen}, 18= zabpoeq, zabpoeh'ee {eighteen}, 19= zabkao, zabkaw'ee {nineteen}, 20= jixzap, jixzab'ee {twenty}

  Learn French & Taiwanese,  Lesson 1                       November 17, 1999
 (*) Monsieur Moise Boulingrin is a young tourist visiting Taiwan from Paris, France.  He came to the EDUTECH Foundation to study Taiwanese language and agreed to help us as a co-author of this text with his genuine Paris accent.